Sunday, December 31, 2006

Year in Review - Medical Part I - trips to the E.R.

First trip to the E.R.
Steven and Marquee take me to the Emergency Room at Northwestern Hospital after I break my finger on a photo shoot. I was saving my camera in a fall on the beach front. No - I was not drunk. It was 6 in the moring for crying out loud. However, I was wearing flip-flops, which we all know is a no-no when you are on the job. Thankfully, the two rolls I shot before the early wrap turned out great.

Second trip to the E.R.
In late December I make the reluctant decision to have my friend Jessica drive me to the Emergency Room at Central DuPage Hospital on our way to the Aurora Outlet Malls to investigate a severe infection in my elbow, which was somehow related to a fall I took on my bike in November. I made out like a bandit on our (3hrs. delayed) shopping trip.

*Extra special thanks to my mom. She has driven me to the Emergency Room more times then either of us would care to remeber!
*Special thanks to Jess, Marquee, Nancy, Peggy, and the really great docs at Northwestern.
*Also, I want to give an extra special thank you to Steven. Not only did he drive me to the Emergency Room in 2006 while volunteering to help me on a shoot, but also, drove me to the Emergency Room in 2005 on Thanksgiving day and waited there with my mom for many hours.

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